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AC-PNBAC1-2024-24 Flight and Tactical Simulators for Naval Air Wing Acquisition Project of the Philippine Navy

The Philippine Navy's Naval Air Wing (NAW) has raised a requirement for the acquisition of several Flight Simulator systems to allow improved training of its pilots and student pilots.

The AC-PNBAC1-2024-24 Procurement of Flight and Tactical Simulator for Naval Air Wing (Lot 1) will focus on the acquisition of the actual flight simulators, while succeeding lots are expected to be for the construction of the facilities where these simulator systems will be housed.

Inside a flight simulator system. Photo credits to Redbird Flight Simulators.

Project Summary:

Flight and Tactical Simulators for Naval Air Wing Acquisition Project:

Note: Edited as of 02 March 2025.

* End User: Philippine Navy (Naval Air Wing)

Quantity: 1 Fixed Wing Aircraft Training Simulator, 1 Rotary Wing Aircraft Simulator, 1 King Air C90 Twin Turbo Prop Training Simulator, Generators and Air-conditioning Units

* Modernization Phase:
Philippine Navy GAA Acquisition for 2024

* Project ABC:

Acquisition Mode: Public Bidding

* Source of Funding: 
Philippine Navy GAA Funds for 2025

* SARO Release/s: 

* Winning Proponent: Manila Aerospace Inc.

Product for Delivery: 1 x Redbird MCX, 1 x Redbird VTO, and 1 x Redbird AMS Flight Simulators

* Contract Price: Php86,500,000.00

* Residual Amount: Php259,903.00

* First post by MaxDefense: 02 March 2025 (this post)

* MaxDefense Searching Hashtag: #PNNAWFlightSimulatorsAcquisition 

* Status: Invitation to Bid released by the DND on May 2021, for Public Bidding. SOBE scheduled on 08 July 2021. Notice of Award released in favor of Manila Aerospace Inc. on 04 December 2024. Awaiting for contract signing and Notice to Proceed as of 02 March 2025.



The project aims for the acquisition of three new ground based motion-capable flight simulators for the Philippine Navy's Naval Air Wing, which has grown over the years with the arrival of several new aircraft.

These ground-based flight simulators will allow the increased training time for student pilots before even training in real aircraft, while also providing actual pilots with more training and familiarization hours.

At the moment three types are being acquired - a Fixed Wing Flight Simulator which may simulate the Cessna Skyhawk trainer aircraft already used by the NAW; a Rotary Wing Flight Simulator which will allow teaching difficult, time consuming and costly manoeuvres on hovering and autorotation for aspiring helicopter pilots, and a Full Motion King Air C90 Twin Turboprop Training Simulator specifically for the Cessna C90 King Air aircraft, although this could be customized to allow other aircraft models like the Cessna C-12 Huron which is actually a militarized Cessna Super King Air 200.

The project also requires for a 150KVa Diesel Generator to provide back-up power for the flight simulators, as well as several air-conditioning units to be installed inside the flight simulators.

The Notice of Award was released on 04 December 2024 in favour of Manila Aerospace Products Inc., which is a local supplier of the Redbird Flight Simulators from the US. 

Redbird's flight simulators are already available in several flight schools in the Philippines, and has also recently delivered a Rotary Wing Flight Simulator for the Philippine Army's Army Aviation Regiment in 2024.

It is expected that the flight simulators to be delivered are the
 Redbird MCX for the Fixed Wing requirement, the Redbird VTO for the Rotary Wing requirement, and the Redbird AMS for the King AIr C90 requirement.

Some of the aircraft operated by the PN's Naval Air Wing are the Cessna King Air C90 (top),  the AgustaWestland AW109E Power helicopter (middle), and the Cessna Skyhawk (above). All photos credits to the Philippine Navy and Naval Air Wing.

U P D A T E S:

First edit and release: 02 March 2025
Copyright MaxDefense Philippines / Philippine Defense Resource

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