To further improve the country's ability to detect aircraft and aerial domain and situation awareness of the Philippine Air Force (PAF), the service has requested for the acquisition of additional air surveillance radar systems to cover more areas of the Philippines.
This allowed the PAF to start the Air Surveillance Radar (Phase 2) Acquisition Project, which is covered under the Priority Projects of the Horizon 2 phase of the Revised AFP Modernization Program.
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The Mitsubishi Electric J/FPS-3ME (top) and J/TPS-P14ME (above) were the ones selected by the PAF for the Air Surveillance Radar Phase 2 Acquisition Project. Credits to original source of photos. |
Project Summary:
Air Surveillance Radar (Phase 2) Acquisition Project
Note: Edited as of 29 April 2024:
* End User: Philippine Air Force (580th Aircraft Control and Warning Wing)
* Quantity:
• Original: 3 Fixed Radars, 2 Mobile Radars
• Revised: 3 Fixed Radars, 1 Mobile Radar
* Modernization Phase: Horizon 2 Phase of RAFPMP
* Modernization Phase: Horizon 2 Phase of RAFPMP
* Project ABC: Php 5,500,000,000.00
* Acquisition Mode: Government-to-Government with Japan Ministry of Defense
* Funding Source: BCDA Income Remittances
* SARO Release: SARO-BMB-D-20-0000722 dated 12 February 2020, worth Php525,821,400.00 representing 10% of Contract Price
* Winning Proponent: Mitsubishi Electric Company (Japan)
* Product for Delivery:
- 3 units J/FPS-3ME fixed long range air defense radars
- 1 unit J/TPS-P14ME mobile long range air defense radar
- Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) package
- Japanese MoD to provide 3 mobile and undisclosed number of fixed Over the Horizon communications systems
* Contract Price: Php5,258,214,000.00 / US$103,500,000.00
* First post by MaxDefense: 01 October 2018
* MaxDefense Searching Hashtag: #PAFASRPhase2Acquisition and/or #PAFASRAcquisition
* Project Status: Selection completed, awaiting award of project to Mitsubishi Electric under a G2G deal with the Japanese Ministry of Defense for four radars only instead of five. SARO worth 10% of contract price was released on 18 February 2020. NOA released on 03 March 2020. Contract signed and NTP released on 14 August 2020. Awaiting delivery starting 2023. Delivery of 1st unit at Wallace Air Station confirmed through photo on May 2023, confirmation of completion made by Japan's ALTA on November 2023. First J/FPS-3ME located at Wallace Air Station formally handed over and commissioned on 20 December 2023. The sole J/TPS-P14ME mobile radar was formally handed over to the PAF on 29 April 2024.
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Photo credits to PAF. |
The goal is to fill in gaps in the PAF's capability to detect aerial activities in the north-eastern, eastern, south-eastern, central, and southern parts of the country.
Currently the PAF has 3 new air surveillance radars acquired during the Horizon 1 phase under the Air Surveillance Radar (Phase 1) acquisition project, covering mostly the western seaboard of the country facing the West Philippine Sea, and partially covering the southwestern areas near the border with Sabah. The radars, IAI Elta Systems ELM-2288ER AD-STAR Extended Range air surveillance and air defense radar systems acquired from Israel under the Horizon 1 phase, are currently installed in the following locations:
* Paredes Air Station, Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte
* Gozar Air Station, Lubang Island, Occidental Mindoro
* Mount Salakot Air Station, Palawan
In addition, if our sources are right, the PAF still uses the old Bendix AN/FPS-20 location finding radar and General Electric AN/FPS-6 long range height finding radar in Wallace Air Station in San Fernando, La Union.
These radars were designed to have partial overlapping cover of almost the entire Western Philippines including some parts of the country's EEZ in the West Philippine Sea, while also having coverage of areas near the border with Sabah.
The current Phase 2 project will cover more locations that are currently not covered by the Phase 1 or previously existing radar systems, with the following locations:
1. Balabac Island, Palawan
2. Sta. Ana, Cagayan
3. Paranal Air Station, Panganiban, Camarines Norte
4. Balut Island, Saranggani
5. Elum Air Station, Hill 900B, Zamboanga
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Photo taken from ASR Project's Report to DND shows approved Horizon 1ocations (in blue) and proposed Horizon 2 locations (jn yellow) as of 2017. Photo exclusively shared to MaxDefense Philippines. |
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Paranal Air Station as it looks in the 1960s. Photo taken from Lt.Col. Francis Karen Neri's Facebook page. |
With the selection of Mitsubishi Electric's offer in 2020, the total number of radar locations was reduced from five to four. This created gaps in the proposal made in 2017, and the PAF decided to make some changes to minimize the gaps.
In the end, the PAF decided to install the four Japanese-made radars in the following locations:
1. Wallace Air Station in Poro Point, San Fernando, La Union;
2. Santa Ana, Cagayan;
3. Paranal Air Station, Panganiban, Camarines Norte
4. Elum Air Station, Hill 900B, Zamboanga City.
As of 2023, it appears that the plan to construct a radar site in Balut Island and Balabac Island have been abandoned, although this is subject to the finalized Air Surveillance Radar Phase 3 Acquisition Project that was included in the Horizon 3 Phase 1 Projects from 2023 to 2028.
U P D A T E S:
14 June 2019:
MaxDefense received confirmation from a source that the Philippine Air Force and the Department of National Defense has took notice of our previous blog entry on the issues surrounding the Air Surveillance Radar Phase 2 Acquisition Project.
Apparently the documents submitted by the proponents were re-reviewed again to see if they misinterpreted the submission made by IAI Elta of Israel.
26 July 2019:
MaxDefense received confirmation from the a Cabinet member of the Duterte administration that Malacanang already released a memorandum approving the amendments made by the DND on the quantity of radars to be acquired under the Air Surveillance Radar (Phase 2) Acquisition Project.
The amendment changed the requirements from 5 radar units to just 4 units.
So far only 1 company offered 4 radar units for the Php5.5 billion project - Japan's Mitsubishi Electric. This means that the possibility of Mitsubishi bagging the project with their J/FPS-3 radar is highly probable.
Now the question is, since the PAF originally asked for 5 radars but will only be getting 4, it means that there would be a need for the PAF to revise its radar location plan, or it will have a gap in the radar coverage.
It also remains to be seen if the PAF will pursue the acquisition of 1 or more radars to fill in the gap as part of the 2nd List of Horizon 2, or under the Horizon 3 phase.
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Looks like its the J/FPS-3 afterall, and only 4 radars will be delivered instead of 5. |
21 October 2019:
The Philippine Air Force's Air Surveillance Radar System Acquisition Project, which is another Horizon 2 phase Priority Project that was said to have been allocated to be awarded to Japan's Mitsubishi Electric, was said to have been reviewed again.
MaxDefense received information that the DND will be, or might have already talked again to the other proponents including Elta Systems and Lockheed Martin, who were the closest competitors of Mitsubishi Electric for the project.
It would be remembered that MaxDefense previously posted a report that Mitsubishi will only be supplying 4 radars (3 fixed, 1 mobile) instead of 5 (3 fixed, 2 mobile) as required by the PAF due to cost issues, and has not met the requirement of the maximum equipment and detection range requirements, and other issues.
"Issues on the Air Surveillance Radar Project (Horizon 2) of the Philippine Air Force" - first posted on 28 May 28 2019.
MaxDefense is not totally against the Japanese offer since it actually included other commitments made by the Japanese government to improve the Philippines' air defense capabilities with the help of the Japan Air Self Defense Force, but it would be best to review the project again just to make sure the PAF gets the best that it can get from the offers.
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Lockheed Martin's TPS-77 radar is among those offered to the PAF and is competing with Mitsubishi and IAI-Elta. Credits to original source of photo. |
12 January 2020:
It appears that the DND has proceeded with negotiations with Japan's Ministry of Defense and with Mitsubishi Electric with regards to the project, despite reviewing the offers last October 2019.
The DND is still hoping that the Japanese offer can be increased to 3 fixed and 2 mobile radars, instead of just 3 fixed and a single mobile radar. It would be remembered that Israel's IAI-Elta Systems actually offered 3 fixed and 2 mobile radars for the same budget the Philippine Air Force has set.
Commanding General PAF, Lt. Gen. Rozzano Briguez, also mentioned in his speech during the anniversary of the 580th Aircraft Control & Warning Wing last December 2019, that they were hoping for 5 radars to be acquired.
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A Japanese radar dome housing a Mitsubishi Electric J/FPS-3 radar. Photo taken from Asia Nikkei Review. |
MaxDefense is also hoping for the Japanese side to agree with delivering 5 radars to the PAF, although the chances could be slim due to cost issues.
What MaxDefense is more concerned is if these radars can easily be integrated to allow combined operations with the PAF's existing ELM-2288 AD-STAR ER radars from Israel.
What MaxDefense is more concerned is if these radars can easily be integrated to allow combined operations with the PAF's existing ELM-2288 AD-STAR ER radars from Israel.
17 January 2020:
In the Change of Command & Retirement speech of former Commanding General, Philippine Air Force Lt. Gen. Rozzano Briguez (ret), he confirmed that the PAF is now awaiting for the DND to release the Notice of Award (NOA) for four (4) new Air Surveillance Radar systems.
It would be remembered that only Mitsubishi Electric's offer through the Japanese Ministry of Defense offered 4 radar systems (3 fixed, 1 mobile), while all other competing orders from Israel's IAI-Elta and America's Lockheed Martin offered 5 radars (3 fixed, 2 mobile systems).
It would be remembered that only Mitsubishi Electric's offer through the Japanese Ministry of Defense offered 4 radar systems (3 fixed, 1 mobile), while all other competing orders from Israel's IAI-Elta and America's Lockheed Martin offered 5 radars (3 fixed, 2 mobile systems).
But MaxDefense Philippines received confirmation that while Mitsubishi Electric's offer only includes 4 radar systems, the Japanese Ministry of Defense will include the transfer of 3 mobile, and undisclosed number of fixed Over the Horizon Communications Systems (OHCS) to the PAF as part of the deal.
Based on information obtained by MaxDefense Philippines, the mobile OHCS are C-130 transportable and has a range of up to 250 kilometers. The fixed OHCS have a range of more than 300 kilometers, and both can transmit voice and data communications over long distances.
Each mobile OHCS costs around Php350 million, while fixed OHCS costs around Php500 million. So these systems are not cheap.
Japan MoD also committed to help modernize and improve the Philippine Air Defense System through sharing of information and knowledge, training, and joint operations.
Since it appears that the NOA is coming soon, it remains to be seen which of the 5 sites originally being prepared to be equipped with the new radars will not be getting any radar under this procurement program.
20 February 2020:
The Department of Budget Management (DBM) has released the SARO for the project worth Php525,821,400.00 or 10% of the project's contract price. This means that the Notice of Award (NOA) would be coming out very soon.
MaxDefense sources confirmed that the offer from Mitsubishi Electric using the J/FPS-3 radar was selected by the Philippine Air Force and approved by the DND senior leadership. This means a Government-to-Government (G2G) deal with the Japanese Ministry of Defense is expected to happen.
MaxDefense is still determining how many radars were involved, but based on the project's contract price, it appears that only 4 radar sets were included in the deal: 3 fixed radar sites with the J/FPS-3ME air defense radar, and a mobile radar system using the J/TPS-P14ME mobile radar system.
MaxDefense sources confirmed that the offer from Mitsubishi Electric using the J/FPS-3 radar was selected by the Philippine Air Force and approved by the DND senior leadership. This means a Government-to-Government (G2G) deal with the Japanese Ministry of Defense is expected to happen.
MaxDefense is still determining how many radars were involved, but based on the project's contract price, it appears that only 4 radar sets were included in the deal: 3 fixed radar sites with the J/FPS-3ME air defense radar, and a mobile radar system using the J/TPS-P14ME mobile radar system.
In return, Japan has offered to assist the Philippine Air Force in building up its communications and electronic countermeasures systems, as well as assisting in improving the PAF's operational procedures and doctrines.
10 March 2020:
The Notice of Award (NOA) was reported to have been released in favor of Japan's Mitsubishi Electric Company (MELCO) last 03 March 2020, as reported by
This confirms our earlier updates on the project wherein we confirmed that MELCO was already expecting the NOA to be released in their favor after passing the Post Qualification Inspection a few months ago.
MaxDefense received confirmation that the J/FPS-3ME fixed long range air defense radar and the J/TPS-P14ME mobile long range air defense radar were selected, with MELCO delivering four and one unit, respectively.
27 March 2020:
Local media has picked up the news on the awarding of the project to Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (MELCO), as Japanese media outlets reported about it as well.
Here's the report from ABS-CBN News
"Mitsubishi Electric wins order for defense radar systems to Philippines" - posted 26 March 2020.
"Mitsubishi Electric wins order for defense radar systems to Philippines" - posted 26 March 2020.
16 July 2020:
Based on reports coming out of Japanese media outlets, the Japanese government is said to be considering going into radar coverage sharing agreement with the Philippines, as Japan is interested in getting information of Chinese aircraft flying in the Bashi Channel between the Batanes Islands in the Philippines, and Formosa Island, Taiwan.
MaxDefense believes that radar detection data from Japanese radars in Okinawa archipelago in the east of Formosa Island, which is very near the Philippines will be shared to the Philippines in return.
The Philippines ordered 3 fixed and 1 mobile radar from Japan's Mitsubishi Electric Corp., becoming Japan's first export of military radars. One of the new fixed radar will be installed in a location in the Cagayan Province, which is just south of the Bashi Channel, while an Israeli-made radar is installed in the opposite province in Ilocos Norte. Both radars covers not just the Bashi Channel but also parts of Taiwan.
Information shared from Japanese radars would be helpful for the Philippines as it would become an extension of radar coverage in the Philippines' northern and north-eastern sections.
Japan is not a treaty ally of the Philippines, although Japan is one of the Philippines' most important defense cooperation partner in the region together with Australia.
It would be good as well if both Japan and the Philippines can convince Taiwan to share the missing picture between the Japanese and Philippine air defense radars, for the common interest of defending against Chinese aircraft movements in the area.
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A J/TPS-P14 radar removed from its mobile carrier, can also be mounted as a fixed radar if needed. Photo credits to |
28 August 2020:
The Department of National Defense confirmed that Defense Sec. Delfin Lorenzana has signed a Contract and released the Notice to Proceed in favor of Japan's Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (MELCO) to supply for the Air Surveillance Radar (Phase 2) Acquisition Project of the Philippine Air Force.
The contract was signed on 14 August 2020, based on the DND's statement.
The DND also confirmed that the contract involves the supply and delivery of 3 fixed and 1 mobile long range air surveillance and air defense radar systems, although they were not named. MaxDefense previously reported that MELCO's J/FPS-3ME fixed and J/TPS-P14 mobile radar were the ones selected and for delivery to the PAF.
The DND's statement mentioned that the radars will start arriving in 2022, probably before Pres. Duterte's term expires.
Based on MaxDefense's records and documents from the DND, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has already released the first of three Multi-Year Contractual Authority (MYCA) for the project earlier this year, before COVID-19 became a major issue in the Philippines.
With delivery by 2022, it means that MYCAs will be released in favor of MELCO under FY2021 and FY2022, following MELCO reaching contract milestones during the contract duration.
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Defense Sec. Lorenzana signing the contract for the Air Surveillance Radar (Phase 2) Acquisition Project. Photo credited to and from the DND. |
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PAF officials being oriented in Japan by JSDF officials on the J/FPS-3 (top) and J/TPS-P14 radars (above). Photo credited to and from the DND. |
16 May 2023:
With the reduction of the radar sites from five to four, the Philippine Air Force has revised its proposed radar locations under the Horizon 2 phase.
The approved locations are in:
1. Wallace Air Station in San Fernando, La Union;
2. Santa Ana, Cagayan, most likely in San Vicente Naval Air Station
3. Paranal Air Station in Panganiban, Camarines Norte;
4. Elum Air Station in Hill 900B, Zamboanga City.
This has been confirmed photographically by a photo of 580th Aircraft Control and Warning Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Ronie Petinglay during his presentation to the Provincial Council of Antique province.
The photo shows all 4 locations where the Japanese-made radars acquired under Horizon 2 phase will be installed, as well as the 3 radar sites from Horizon 1 phase, and the 4 proposed sites under Horizon 3.
Separately, the Philippine Air Force has posted a photo of what appears to be the base of a new air surveillance radar system inside a radome at Wallace Air Station in San Fernando, La Union province.
Photo below shows PAF CG Lt. Gen. Stephen Parreño with what appears to be the base of a new radar system inside one of the radomes at Wallace Air Station in San Fernando, La Union. Its definitely not the base on the old American-made AN/FPS-20 and AN/FPS-6 radars, nor the Israeli ELM-2288 AD-STAR radar.
This has been confirmed photographically by a photo of 580th Aircraft Control and Warning Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Ronie Petinglay during his presentation to the Provincial Council of Antique province.
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Photo credits to original source through Granger@Twitter. |
The photo shows all 4 locations where the Japanese-made radars acquired under Horizon 2 phase will be installed, as well as the 3 radar sites from Horizon 1 phase, and the 4 proposed sites under Horizon 3.
Separately, the Philippine Air Force has posted a photo of what appears to be the base of a new air surveillance radar system inside a radome at Wallace Air Station in San Fernando, La Union province.
Photo below shows PAF CG Lt. Gen. Stephen Parreño with what appears to be the base of a new radar system inside one of the radomes at Wallace Air Station in San Fernando, La Union. Its definitely not the base on the old American-made AN/FPS-20 and AN/FPS-6 radars, nor the Israeli ELM-2288 AD-STAR radar.
We believe its one of the J/FPS-3ME made by Mitsubishi Electric, acquired as part of the Air Surveillance Radar Phase 2 Acquisition Project of the Philippine Air Force, a Horizon 2 phase project under RAFPMP.
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Photo credits to PAF. |
04 November 2023:
Japan's Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) has confirmed the completion of the first Air Surveillance Radar for the Philippine Air Force.
The radar, which was delivered by Mitsubishi Electric, is one of the 4 radar systems to be delivered under the Air Surveillance Radar (Phase 2) Acquisition Project of the Philippine Air Force, as part of the Horizon 2 phase of the RAFPMP.
Based on the photo from ALTA, the location is in Wallace Air Station in San Fernando, La Union. This matches the PAF's post last May where an inspection of what appears to be the part of the radar array of a Mitsubishi Electric J/FPS-3ME radar, as well as latest satellite photos over Wallace Air Station.
2 more fixed radar stations are being erected, and a support facility for a mobile radar is also being prepared.
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Photo credits to ALTA. |
15 December 2023:
The first J/FPS-3ME radar site installed at Wallace Air Station in San Fernando, La Union is scheduled for commissioning on 20 December 2023.
The new radar will replace the old Bendix AN/FPS-20 location radar and General Electric AN/FPS-5 elevation finder radars in the air station, which have been operating since the 1960s.
This would be the first modern Japanese-made ground based air defense radar installed outside Japan, as the PAF is the first export market for complete Japanese-made defense systems since it made changes to its arms export policies.
20 December 2023:
The Philippine Air Force formally accepted the new J/FPS-3ME air surveillance and air defense radar system from Mitsubishi Electric of Japan, which is located at Wallace Air Station in San Fernando, La Union.
This is the first of 4 radar systems for delivery by Mitsubishi Electric, with the second unit expected to be handed over to the PAF before mid next year.
Defense Sec. Gilberto Teodoro led the handover ceremonies together with Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Kazuhiko Koshikawa and other officials from the PAF, AFP and Mitsubishi Electric.
Defense Sec. Gilberto Teodoro led the handover ceremonies together with Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Kazuhiko Koshikawa and other officials from the PAF, AFP and Mitsubishi Electric.
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Photo credits to Frances Mangosing and Bianca Dava. |
Also opened in Wallace Air Station and formally handed over to the Philippine Air Force's 580th Aircraft Control and Warning Wing is the new Battle Control Center building, which is described by the PAF as "a focal point for the conduct of weapons, surveillance, link and identification functions".
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Photo credits to Frances Mangosing. |
29 April 2024:
Earlier today 29 April 2024, Japan has formally turned over a Mitsubishi Electric J/TPS-P14ME mobile air surveillance / air defense radar system for the Philippine Air Force, which was acquired as part of the PAF's Air Surveillance Radar Phase 2 Project under Horizon 2 phase of RAFPMP.
Defense Sec. Gilberto Teodoro, together with officials from the Japanese Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces of the Philippines graced the handover at Camp Aguinaldo.
Our concern are the prime movers, which could be underpowered to carry the radar especially on inclines and offroad. They should have opted to use a larger truck from Fuso.
Two more J/FPS-3ME fixed radars are scheduled for delivery.
But we also noted that the version the PAF received appears to be more compact, and uses a different array compared to those used by the JSDF.
But we also noted that the version the PAF received appears to be more compact, and uses a different array compared to those used by the JSDF.
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Photo credits to PNA and |
First edit and release: 14 June 2020.
Copyright MaxDefense Philippines / Philippine Defense Resource.
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